
Scaling non-linearly in your mind

Quantifying residential segregation in South Africa’s largest cities

Stats SA has upped their game with great analyses like this entropy-based one looking at the distribution of races spatial inequality in our largest cities. This graph shows the most segregated cities in South Africa. Contrary to popular belief, Cape Town is the third most segregated city after eThekwini and Nelson Mandela …

Whose been speaking about Zuma’s Nkandla Constitutional Court hearing?

Here’s a network of all the conversations happening around the Constitutional Court’s Nkandla ruling. It’s based on the 84k tweets I’ve collected since this morning. The main communities that were discussing it are: DA (8.4% of users, 9.0% of tweets) News commentators incl. Ranjeni Munsamy & Stephen Grootes (5.9% of users, 9.7% …